
I write articles about concepts I've learnt in Software Development. These are the articles I've written so far.


May 05
Notifications in Progressive Web Apps using Web PushLearn the basics of setting up push notifications in your progressive web app


Jan 04
Implementing Stripe in my Gatsby TimeshipA walkthrough of how I added payments to my Gatsby Timeship using Stripe


Oct 29
Setting up a MySQL database using PrismaA walkthrough on how to set up a MySQL database using Prisma ORM through serverless functions
Jul 17
Introduction to Open Graph Meta tagsOpen Graph Meta tags are used to describe your site to the world. This is a good way to give your site a unique identity.
Jun 05
How to use the tailwindcss typography pluginA tutorial on the tailwindcss/typography plugin which uses a set of prose classes to create beautiful typographic defaults
May 24
Sorting RSS feeds by year using Next.jsLearn how you can sort blog articles by year of creation
May 09
How to make your footer stay at the bottom of the pageA simple hack that can help you keep the footer at the bottom when content is not filling the screen.
May 01
How to get GitHub notifications on your Discord serverA cool hack to help you get instant github notifications on your discord server whenever an action is performed on your repository.
Apr 15
My journey so far in web developmentThe lessons I've learnt through my first year of web development


Sep 19
Layers Of Web Development for beginnersAn introduction to the layers that make up the process of developing websites and their purpose in the creation of a website
Aug 23
Introduction to Branches and Pull Requests for Beginners.A beginner friendly intro to a basic workflow where you'll learn how to create branches, creating pull requests and merging
Aug 15
How to use GitHub and Git for BeginnersA basic git and github workflow to help beginners understand creating repos, cloning and making commits
May 25
How to make a Mini Messenger with JavaScript For BeginnersA fun simple project where you'll create a mini messenger with disappearing text.